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"She played with a mellow tone and arched the beautifully lyrical melodies prettily... There was some magic in the slower sixth, and in the final variation, with the long double stop passages she played accurately at top speed -- something not all cellists manage. The crowd loved it and gave her a standing ovation and several curtain calls."

          -- The Daily Gazette 


""She has a big, generous, personal-sounding tone, through which she communicates big, generous, personal-sounding emotions. There is sensitivity in her work as well..."

          -- Richard Dyer, The Boston Globe  


"Her performances are an EXPERIENCE... delivered with such selfless devotion, spontaneity, abandon, and fervor as the context may dictate... “revealing” the true self, WHO SHE IS, the center of our being… that is the all-compelling, over-riding desire to which we are inexorably drawn... I could only close my eyes, bow my head, and gently shake it in almost esthetic disbelief that what I was hearing could be SO beautiful.” 

          -- Lucille Richardson, Professor Emeritus of Piano, SUNY Fredonia


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